Artist Development (English)

The services that will be offered by Inclusion In Art can be divided into three categories, those directed at professional development for artists, those directed at outreach, and those directed at partnerships with other organizations.

Services directed towards professional development for visual artists of color includes the following areas:

  1. Professional workshops for emerging visual artist of color
  2. Creative projects and special exhibitions for visual artist of color
  3. Fellowships and grants for underserved visual artist to attend workshops
  4. Listing in our visual artist database as well as links to their websites if applicable
  5. Solo exhibitions for artists of color at 1219 Creative
  6. Promotion of visual artists

Services directed towards outreach include the following areas:

  1. Special awareness events that make the community aware of visual artists of color
  2. Provide artistic components to other organization’s existing event programming
  3. Provide outreach support for organizations seeking greater racial diversity through the arts
  4. Creating culture seeker events to foster awareness for visual artists of Color
  5. Providing a resource database accessible to all arts organizations looking to create racial diversity with their patrons, artists, and event programming
  6. Establishing creative outlets in underserved minority communities
  7. Creating networking opportunities through the arts

Services directed towards partnering organizations:

  1. Access to the Connect database of artists of color
  2. Liaisons to bridge divides between art organizations, patrons and artists of color
  3. Providing organizations with Inclusion In Art believes that the benefits of our organization will also affect economic growth and development through encouraging diversity, cultural pride in underserved communities and create a more progressive vision for Oklahoma

Two major parts of the services that Inclusion In Art is providing is the CONNECT database. The database alleviates much of the challenge art organizations face when searching for artists of color or organizations to partner with that have a multicultural component. The CONNECT provides a detailed listing of visual artists and programs that art organizations can draw from. This increases the number of artists active in the mainstream arts community and builds potential memberships for other organizations as well.

The second component is the 1219 Creative Gallery. 1219 Creative Gallery was created to give artists of color a dedicated arts pace to show their work professionally. It is the only gallery in the state dedicated to showing the works of minority visual artists. The gallery will serve all visual artists of color but there will be a special emphasis on emerging artists. In addition to showing traditional work such as sculpture and painting, 1219 Creative Gallery will also feature works by independent filmmakers of color and artists involved in new genre presentations.